
About Lisa Holden

Dating expert, journalist and public speaker; Lisa can help you optimize your dating life to find a great match.

Holiday Margaritas 

Holiday Margaritas 

If you love tequila but thought its only thrive zone was summer, I invite you to dream bigger, my little lush! Using the classic margarita recipe of two parts tequila one part triple sec, plus your juices and garnishes, this fall or winter take on the summer classic will have you singing the tequila song well into the New Year. 

If you’ve got some friends this holiday season or would like to make some, I suggest a recipe of 12 oz tequila, 6 oz triple sec and bringing it in a couple of tasteful pitchers filled with cranberries and sliced oranges. Then pour over ice and add your ginger beer and cran juice individually. 


2 parts tequila (Casamigos because I’m desperate for George Clooney’s affection) 

1 part triple sec (Grand Marnier because I enjoy pronouncing it with an ego) 

Shake vigorously to combine, then strain into a cocktail glass over ice

Spicy ginger beer gets poured over the top along with a generous splash of unsweetened cranberry juice. (Don’t stir it, let the juices mingle like a sunset) 

Bottoms up, Santa!  

Famous Mango Ceviche 

Famous Mango Ceviche